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ULTIMO Home Page

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{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured" template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="23" product_count="8" breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 2], [960, 2], [1280, 3]" timeout="4000" centered="1" size="size-s" hide_button="0" block_name="Recommended Shoes"}}
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured" template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="37" product_count="8" breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 2], [960, 2], [1280, 3]" timeout="4000" centered="1" size="size-s" hide_button="0" block_name="Recommended Bags"}}


Responsive Layout

Ultimo can be displayed on any screen. It is based on fluid grid system lorem ipsum dolor sit. If screen is resized, layout will be automat...


Responsive Layout

Ultimo can be displayed on any screen. It is based on fluid grid system lorem ipsum dolor sit. If screen is resized, layout will be automat...


Responsive Layout

Ultimo can be displayed on any screen. It is based on fluid grid system lorem ipsum dolor sit. If screen is resized, layout will be automat...

{{block type="catalog/product_new" template="catalog/product/new.phtml" products_count="10" breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 4], [960, 5], [1280, 6]" move="1" pagination="1" centered="1" hide_button="0" block_name="New in Store"}}

Sample Custom Banners

{{block type="brands/brands" template="infortis/brands/brand_slider.phtml" breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 2], [768, 3], [960, 4], [1280, 5]" timeout="6000" move="1" pagination="1" block_name="Our Brands"}}